Why bother?

Why bother working on your relationship? Life happens and your relationship happens right along with it. There is no time to work on a relationship with your jobs, children, money worries and more. Working on it takes work.

Well, what if you could be happier? What if it felt like life became smoother? What if you felt like you had a partner who always had your back, who had your best interests at heart? A wise man once said that a great relationship was one were each person took care of the other persons needs, so much so that the first person didn’t even need to think about what they wanted. That way they never needed to worry about what they needed because it was taken care of. This might be an ideal to strive for, or not but it does make one think. There really is no end or finish line for a good relationship. It can just keep building, developing, growing and deepening. 

With today’s incredibly fast-paced and over scheduled life you might believe working on your relationship is a good idea but not for you or not right now. I would like to suggest trying to put just a little more attention on your communication or affection, something that would demonstrate to your partner that they are important. It doesn’t take any effort and hardly any time but the rewards are tremendous. Why don’t you try it, you’ll like it.